지방자치 관련분야의 지식교류를 위하여 자치행정, 지방재정ㆍ세제, 지역개발분야의 수준 있는 연구 논문들을 기고 받아 발간합니다.
지방행정연구 제17권 제1호 통권 53호 2003.4
발생주의회계에 따른 재무제표의 통합방안
- 5,482
- 2,726
저자 |
이효·김헌 |
발행일 |
2003.04 |
권 |
제17권 제1호 |
통권 |
53호 |
다운로드 |
발생주의회계에 따른 재무제표의 통합방안 |
Local governments in Korea have been preparing the transition to accrual from cash accounting at the trial level beginning with two of 248 local governments, since the late 1990s. Its aim is to encourage the efficiency, effectiveness and transparency of the public service and also to provide better management information on the fiscal operation in the government sector. With regards to this in particular, financial information need to be integrated to understand the comprehensive financial conditions of reporting entity such as assets, liabilities, net assets, revenues and expenses. Considering these aspects, this paper covers general perspectives of the accounting and financial reporting system, mainly focusing on the subjects concerning the consolidated financial statements of the individual reporting unit. The study suggests the short-term and long-term perspectives based on the scope and method of consolidation, the type of financial statement, and the nature of internal transactions.
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