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지방재정관리제도 운용실태와 개선방안
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영문제목 | Improving the Management System of Local Government Finance |
연구자 | 조기현 신두섭 |
발간연도 | 2008 |
다운로드 | 지방재정관리제도 운용실태와 개선방안 file_download |
지방자치단체는 2000년을 기점으로 재정적 어려움을 경험하고 있다. 일부 자치단체는 재정적 압박의 상황이 예상되고 있다. 지방재정의 위기 요인은 세입ㆍ세출구조의 변화, 복지비용 증가, 지역경제 붕괴, 거시경제 침체 등으로 인한 지방세입 급감도 심각한 요인으로 작용한다. 이러한 맥락에서 자치단체 재정위기에 대비한 선제적ㆍ기초적 연구로서 재정위기의 원인과 배경, 관리방식, 법적ㆍ정책적 재정비방안 모색은 매우 중요하며 우리나라의 자치단체도 재정파산은 아니라도 재정압박이나 재정고통의 단계를 경험할 가능성에 대한 예방이 요구된다.
본 연구에서는 지방채무 총액한도제, 지방재정분석ㆍ진단제도를 중심으로 재정분권 촉진과, 재정위기를 사전에 예방하거나 사후에 효과적으로 관리할 수 있는 정책대안을 강구하고 있다.
본 연구에서는 지방채무 총액한도제, 지방재정분석ㆍ진단제도를 중심으로 재정분권 촉진과, 재정위기를 사전에 예방하거나 사후에 효과적으로 관리할 수 있는 정책대안을 강구하고 있다.
Although the financial situation of local authority would not face financialoppression or crisis or reach the bankrupt condition like that of enterprises, yet it canface unavoidable condition as its original role of providing public service shrinks.Rapid decrease of local tax revenues due to changes in local finance tax revenues ·annual expenditure structure, increase of welfare expense, collapse of local economy,macro economy stagnation and such, functions as a serious fiscal crisis element.If the category and idea of fiscal crisis is expanded to financial oppression andfinancial agony, the previous step of financial bankruptcy, local finance of Koreamight go under this.There are municipal bond management and finance regulation for fiscal crisismanagement system of local authority. Finance analysis · evaluation system amongfinancial regulations in advance is an important system helpful towards usual inspectionsystem and analysis, construction of systemic basis related to political countermeasuresafter fiscal crisis; can be used as the method for inciting self- prediction or preventionof fiscal crisis for local authority, according to the future development degree.Fundamental direction of systemic re-maintenance plan for fiscal crisis managementconsidering such conditions are arranged like the following.First, fiscal crisis management system emphasizing direct · beforehand regulation formshould be switched to indirect · post-factum regulation form; second, beforehand-regulationand post-factum regulation should be established as complementary relationship. Third, itis necessary to propel big reform of local finance analysis · diagnosis system forimprovement of budget account system and construction of regulation system. Forth,anticipative preparation to take countermeasure for fiscal crisis related to external shockescaped from regulation range of local authority, such as collapse of local economy orforeign exchange crisis, along with the system maintenance keeping side effects likeductile budget restriction and moral laxity in view is needed. Also in case of the totalamount limitation system, direct regulation form should be developed by the advancedmanagement method of normative or market regulation types. And as for the improvementplan of local finance analysis and diagnosis system, first, financial evaluation is to keepthe form of combining quantitative evaluation and qualitative evaluation, yet it isnecessary for national policy for qualitative evaluation to decrease the weight ofadministration. Second, quantitative evaluation is to be re-established as political measureof regular examination for the overall operation of local finance. For this, re-establishmentfor the field and within the field of analysis object is demanded. Third, the developmentof financial soundness index (tentative name) is requested to perform early warningfunction of fiscal crisis. Forth, financial diagnosis is to improve application method touplift effectiveness. Also introduction of early warning system as beforehand-preventivemeasure for financial soundness can be examined. Along with such improvement,financially oppressed local authority is to manage and classify local finance analysis ·evaluation system and the total amount limitation system related to financial soundnessunder capital recognized objects, despite the modification of the total amount limitationsystem; and to prohibit the issue of municipal bond in principle for financially agony localauthority. Lastly above all things, preparation of legal basis for systemic propulsion andmanagement of such fiscal crisis management system is needed.
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