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사업예산제도의 운영실태 및 정착방안

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영문제목 Policy Proposals for the Settlement of Program Budgeting in Local Governments
연구자 이상용 이효
발간연도 2008
다운로드 사업예산제도의 운영실태 및 정착방안 file_download
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지방자치단체는 그동안 자율과 책임 중심의 재정운영을 추구하면서 경제적 자원의 효율적 배분과 성과관리의 기반강화와 관련하여 ‘07년에 발생주의 복식부기회계를 시행한데 이어, ’08년부터 중장기 정책과 예산을 연계 운영하고 전략적 자원배분을 추구하기 위하여 프로그램 예산구조를 갖는 사업예산제도를 시행하고 있다.
   이와 관련하여 본 연구는 발생주의 회계제도와 함께 새롭게 도입된 사업예산제도를 중심으로 그동안 추진된 운영현황과 문제점을 분석하고, 새로운 제도의 성공적 운영을 위한 방안으로서 정책·업의 체계화, 사업예산과 성과관리의 연계, 성과지표의 개발, 사업예산의 원가산정을 제시하였다
The purpose of this study is to review practices of program budgeting and suggestpolicy proposals for its successful settlement. Local governments in Korea changedtheir budget system from line-item to program budgeting in 2008 as a process offinancial reform.In fact, the current program budgeting is at an early stage, so it doesn't meet theobjective of introducing a new budget system. In other words the current programbudgeting is not designed to be linked with consolidated performance managementsystem, so new budget system does not provide appropriate performance informationon the governmental programs.Therefore the study covers the general and broad perspectives of programbudgeting, mainly focusing on suggesting policy recommendations required in asuccessful settlement of new budget system.The composition of this study is as follows: the chapter 2 overviews thetheoretical background such as concept, type, and basic structure of programbudgeting and foreign cases including U.S.A., U.K., Australia and Japan, and thechapter 3 examines the reality and the problems of the current program budgeting inlocal government.Then, based on the analytical results of the current program budgeting system, thechapter 4 suggests some policy proposals: (ⅰ) programs should be systematicallyclassified to be more consistent with the mid-term policy, (ⅱ) program budgetingneeds to be linked with performance management and performance indicator shouldbe developed by function/category of public services(programs), (ⅲ) the calculationof total cost of public services(programs) is gradually required for the purpose ofmeasuring the performance of program in new budget system.
