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지방자치단체장의 리더쉽 연구
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영문제목 | A Study on the Leadership of the Mayors of Local Governments |
연구자 | 박해육 주재복 |
발간연도 | 2008 |
다운로드 | 지방자치단체장의 리더쉽 연구 file_download |
민선 지방자치단체장은 지방정치와 지방정책 과정에서 핵심적인 지도자 역할을 수행하고 있으며, 그 영향력 또한 매우 증대되고 있다. 따라서 지방자치단체장이 수립한 지역정책이 조직구성원과 지역주민에게 효과적으로 전달되기 위해서는 지방자치단체장의 리더십이 무엇보다 중요하다. 본 연구의 목적은 민선 1기부터 민선 4기까지 지방선거에서 당선된 기초자치단체장의 리더십을 종합적으로 분석하고, 향후 지방자치단체장의 바람직한 리더십 제고 방안을 제시하는 것이다. 본 연구는 민선 1기부터 민선 4기까지 지방선거에서 당선된 기초자치단체장의 리더십 특성, 기초자치단체장 리더십의 정책정향, 그리고 연임에 성공한 기초자치단체장의 리더십 특성 및 요인을 종합적으로 분석하고 있다. 그리고 이러한 분석결과를 토대로 향후 민선 기초자치단체장 리더십의 제고를 위한 정책적 방안으로 젊은 지도자들이 지방자치단체장으로 진출할 수 있는 기반의 구축, 지방자치단체장의 역량과 성과를 측정할 수 있는 평가체계의 마련, 지방정치 체제에 대한 재검토 및 중앙권한의 지방 이양 등을 제시하고 있다. 본 연구는 지방의 경쟁력과 지역발전이 매우 중요한 현 시점에서 지방자치단체장의 리더십을 체계적으로 분석하고 향후 지방자치단체장의 리더십 제고에 필요한 정책과제를 실증적으로 도출하고 있다는 점에서 의미가 있다.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the leadership of the mayors elected inlocal elections and suggest the ways to improve their leadership. To achieve thisgoal, this study focuses on the mayors elected in the municipal level of the last fourlocal elections in terms of their leadership styles and characteristics, policypreferences, and contributing factors affecting their re-election. Finally, the authorspropose some theoretical and empirical implications derived from the result of thisstudy, as well as the ways to improve the leadership of the mayors for the future.This study consists of four parts as follows. First of all, this study analyzedpersonal characteristics of the mayors elected in the last four local elections. Theywere mostly in the age of 50s and 60s. Their education level was over universitygraduates. They were from council members or the head of local governments andpublic servants. They won the elections by earning over 50% popular votes. Thenumber of mayors affiliated with the opposition dominated over those with the rulingparties. Finally, while there were many reelected mayors in the 2nd local election,there were relatively more newly elected mayors than others in the 3rd and 4th localelections.Second, this study analyzed policy preferences of the mayors. It was difficult tofind out important factors affecting their policy preferences in the 1st through 3rdlocal elections. However, it seemed that the popular vote rates which the mayors hadwon in the 4th election influenced their policy preferences. In details, this studyfocused on two types of policy preferences: welfare and developmental policies. Theresults showed that welfare policy preferences were strikingly shown in those whowere more financially independent in the 1st election, in those who were fromopposite parties in the 2nd election, in those who were from the ruling party andwere more urbanized in the 3rd election and in those who won the higher popularvote rates in the 4th election. For developmental policy preferences, there were nostatistically significant factors in the 1st, the 2nd and the 4th elections. However, themayors who were not public servants showed their developmental policy preferencesin the 3rd election. Finally, in the cross-sectional analysis including the 1st through4th elections the results showed that financial independence of the district which themayors govern seemed to influence on their welfare policy preferences while mayors'education, popular vote rates, and urbanization levels of the district which the mayorsgovern seemed to influence on their developmental policy preferences.Third, this study analyzed the factors affecting the reelection of the mayors in thelocal elections. The results showed that such factors as age, careers, popular voterates, and party affiliations were statistically significant in the 2nd election. Themayors' age, popular vote rates and party affiliation were the meaningful factors inthe 3rd election. The mayors' age and popular vote rates influenced their reelectionin the 4th election. In the cross-sectional analysis it was found that the mayors' age,careers and popular vote rates were statistically significant as the factors affectingtheir reelection.Finally, this study proposed the several ways to improve the leadership of themayors and some implications derived from the results of the analysis on theirleadership characteristics, policy preferences, and the factors affecting their reelection.First of all, this study suggested several ways to improve the leadership of themayors as follows: It is necessary to clear out some institutional obstacles whichmake younger leaders under 40s elected difficult; It is necessary to prepare favorableconditions for experts in various fields to be elected easily and various trainingprograms for the newly elected mayors; It is necessary to construct the evaluationsystem and develop various criteria and indexes in order to measure mayors'capacities and achievements accurately; It is necessary to reconsider local governmentpolitics including the party nomination system, restrictions on the times of reelection,and the emphasis of selective rights of the community to elect talented leaders in theregion and to solve the problem of party nomination. Finally, this study proposed thatthe central government should delegate more authority and empower the localgovernments so that the mayors can pursue their good ideas and work independently.This study has some theoretical and empirical implications as follows. It ismeaningful that this study summarized and provided basic materials regarding theleadership of the mayors elected in local elections. This study is also a systematicand comprehensive research including the leadership characteristics of the mayors,their policy preferences, and the factors affecting their reelection. This study proposessome ways to improve the leadership of the mayors through the empirical analysis.However, this study only provides basic materials regarding the mayors so that it hasa defect in in-depth research for the leadership of the mayors. It is hoped that moreconcrete and profound researches will be followed on the leadership of the mayors oflocal governments with this study.
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