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지방자치단체의 조직설계에 관한 연구

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영문제목 The Study for Organization Design in Local Government
연구자 고경훈
발간연도 2008
다운로드 지방자치단체의 조직설계에 관한 연구 file_download
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본 연구는 기능연계모형(Business Reference Model :BRM Model)에 근거하여 자치단체의 기능중심의 조직설계를 제안하고 있다.
   이를 위해 전국의 지방자치단체를 7개의 유형으로 구분하여 각 자치단체의 기능과 이러한 기능을 수행하는 조직 간의 기능별 적합성을 검증하였다.
   이를 통계적으로 분석하여 자치단체의 기능과 적정 담당조직 수는 어느 정도인지를 각 자치단체 유형별로 추정모형을 산출하였다.
   인구와 재정력지수를 기준으로 담당조직의 수를 분석한 결과, 행정수요와 공급능력이 상대적으로 낮음에도 불구하고 많은 담당조직 수를 가지고 있어 조직설계가 비효율적으로 설계되었을 가능성이 높은 자치단체가 일부 존재함을 알 수 있었다.
   다중회귀분석을 통한 추정결과 자치단체유형별로 다소 차이는 있으나, 기획행정분야에 상응하는 행정관리 담당조직과 도시분야에 상응하는 도시관리 담당조직은 기능과 조직이 잘 연계되어 설계되어 있으나, 그 외의 기능과 조직은 잘 연계되었다고 일반화하기는 힘든 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 문제점을 해결하기 위해서는 자치단체 조직이 기능중심의 조직(Function Focused Organization)으로 설계되어야 할 필요성은 더욱 커진다.
1. The Purpose of the StudyTo secure the desirability in managing local government, it may be more valid toapproach organization design based on function-centered perspective rather thanone-sided reduction based on structure- centered perspective. Especially for the localgovernment, organization design should be able to respond to the administrativecircumstances and needs surrounding it, which are reflected in the functions eachdepartments performs. To solve these questions, this study shed a light on theorganization design of local government that contacts customer agency from thefunction- centered perspective. This study aims to verify the functional- fitness foreach organizational types for effective organization design of local government. Firstly,we compared the initially assigned functions by policy with the correspondingorganizations assuming the respective functions in actual. Secondly, based on theanalysis of the number of organizations of each local government by population tosubstitute for demands and financial capacity index for supply in public administration,we categorized the local governments that have tentative problems in organizationdesign from the macroscopic point of view. Thirdly, we confirmed whether there is acorrelation between the number of organizations of each local government and thefunctions of the corresponding organizations. Finally, this study is finished withestablishing models that reflects the ideal numbers of organizations corresponding tothe assigned function for the respective organizations according to the types of localgovernments, with controlled the administrative capability of supply and demand.2. Summary of the Research ResultsThe result of this study is summarized like these. Firstly, the analysis of the numberof organizations based on the population and financial capacity index indicates thatsome local governments revels inefficiency in organization design in that their numbersof organizations exceed the administrative capability of supply and demand.Secondly, the analysis on the correlation between the functions and the correspondingorganizations shows that; as for metropolitan city, there were relatively few organizationdesign in the filed of city, economic growth and welfare environment; as for province,there were few organization design in the field of welfare environment; as for large citygovernment, there were few organization design in the field of economic growth andwelfare environment; as for medium and small city government, there was a relativelywell-interwined linkage between the higher-functions and the corresponding organizationdesign, especially in the field of city; it seems to be required to strengthen organizationdesign in the field of economic growth as for ward, in the field of city as for urban andrural complex city government and in the field of planning, city and welfare environment.Thirdly, even though there was deviation according to the local governments, theresults of multi regression presents that the functions and the correspondingorganization designs are well associated in the field of planning and city, which isnot in the other fields. On average, large city government has a large scale oforganizations in the field of planning, city and economic growth compared to theothe types of local government. In the case of medium and small city government,ward, the scale of organizations appears relatively low in the field of economicgrowth. As for urban and rural complex city government, there seems to have largenumber of organizations in the field of administrative management.3. Policy RecommendationPublic administration of local government is characterized as the administration ofsynthesized service, face to face contacts with clients on the spot, service delivery,policy implementation. These characteristics implies the heterogeneous and variousroles of local governments. It also highlights th importance of organizationalresponsiveness to the demands of clients on the spot of public administration.Accordingly, the mayor should play a key role in clarifying the goals and missionsof local government, not one directionally but jointly with the internal members,external professionals and community inhabitants. The strategies for realizing thevisions and missions should be practical and specific.Therefore, it is noteworthy if the functions of the respective organizations areadequate for those visions and missions of local governments. That is to say, thoseshould be interwined with the functions of organizations through cascading as well asorganization design.In this aspect, it is necessary to take the ‘Funcion Focused Organization' approachin designing organization of local government. Designing FFO is related to thediscovery of visions and its lower-level goals of local government andimplementing them in practice. A series of the specific lower level goals - goalsin strategies and performance - is referred as strategy, which can be realized bycarrying out strategic assignments.As a means of facilitating organizational efficiency and efficacy, strategic managementhas come to be emphasized than before. In the long term perspective, strategic managementmeans a series of consistent and organic process of planning, implementing, monitoring andevaluating. In other words, by integrating operation system of organization and goalachievement in the long term perspective, strategic management functions as the strategicselection process to deal with the unpredicted changes and uncertainties in the future.Designing ‘Function Focused Organization' is the essential part of the process, whichincludes the process of raising the practicability of strategies by associating strategicassignments, goals and organizations. It is related to performance management as well.After executed strategies are evaluated by its performance, the problems abstracted from theassessment should be corrected and complemented.Authentic performance of organization can be evaluated through the balance andharmony in the competitions and cooperation among organization members, whichcan be constructed as a new concept, Co-petition. This concepts suggests that themore competition and cooperation an organization performs, the more chance toproduce performance it has. This logic may work in the local government as well. Inconclusion, the more cooperations and competitions among departments in balance,the more performance not only departments but also local governments will be ableto expect.
